I have a balk question.
Rules set--
1. OBR (for example, Legion)
2. Fed (HS)
The video below show MLB's Sammy Gervacio. Some opposing pitchers have done this against our team during the past couple of years. It wasn't balked. I'm thinking to myself, if this is legal, why aren't I teaching it?
"double set" with front foot...picks off R1
"triple set" with front foot
OBR 8.01(b) and 8.01(c) are the rules governing this. The rules for coming set are pretty vague beyond the placement of feet, pitching arm to the side and the stop with both hands before delivery.
I think it comes down to this - he has to make the same motion every time because that is his "natural" motion. If he starts deviating then you'll get the balk call.
In the one pitch in the video I can see the argument for not coming to a stop but the motion to come set is legal as long as he does it every time IMO.