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Reply to "Drinking on Official Visits"

I always felt there was more than one side to the official visit. One part of the official visit is the squeaky clean part. That is where the coaching staff is recruiting the player and the family. The coaches are quick to point out how the players are subject to rules and regulations and how they are expected to be upstanding young men and represent the university at all times. The coaches are quick to tell you how proud they are of their academic record and how improper conduct by the players will not be tolerated. On the other side of the official visit, the player is allowed to experience college life usually guided by a current player on the team. Here your son usually socializes with the other players and the college population in general. Like it or not the college scene is full of parties and drinking. I don’t know if my son was offered booze during his official visit but I would be surprised if he wasn’t. If not by another ballplayer then possibly by some party goers that was in attendance at some of the parties they attended. If you expect to keep your son from being offered alcohol while in college, then you are in for a huge challenge. But....being offered something is much different than accepting something. If your son is going to say NO he needs to know how to say it.
Let’s not stick our head in the sand. On your next visit to the campus, drop by the closest convenience store and check out their inventory. Be sure to notice the boxes and boxes of beer piled in the isles of the store. Look in the walk-in coolers. Somebody around campus is consuming large quantities of alcohol.
Your son is about to be offered more than the opportunity to memorize a chapter or two of English 101. He is about to become educated in the ways of the world. Is this bad? Of course not. This is his chance to prove to himself that he can survive the real world outside the safe harbor we parents have provided. He is venturing into manhood. Your son is about to make a lot of decisions on his own. Be confident in your son and your parenting skills. Yes, your son is about to be tested. To my knowledge my son didn’t drink in college... But if he did or if he didn’t...that was a choice he made as a man, not one I made for him as his father. In the next few years your son will learn one of two things. He will either learn HOW to drink ... or....he will learn how NOT to drink. Wink