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Reply to "Drinking on Official Visits"

good post fungo

IMO, the reality of how the situation is handled has already been determined by how you raised your son his last 18 yrs.

during college selection (official & unofficial visits) our goal was to get a realistic impression of campus life, the team, the student body, and the community - - without a real feel, how could a fit be judged??

for the sanitized view we could have saved time & just read thru the college catalog and looked at pictures

itsagreatgame - when you exagerate extreme, your point is lost - - so, how's this?

"boys, give me your impression of this recruit tomorrow, will he fit, is he disciplined?

futurebackmom - the age was raised in the mid 80's because the feds said so (against the wishes of the states involved and under threat of withholding federal $$), the studies came later, and actually, some respected studies since have suggested the opposite - way more binge drinking, more abuse, and no supervision , etc -

instead of a laid back evening listening to music or watching a game and having a few beers at a bar (w/bartenders & bouncers), those who choose to drink do so at an unsupervised house party off campus with 25 kegs & who knows what else

hmmm, my daughter starts Ohio U next week - said she chose for her major and had no idea it would be ranked the #2 party school.
the part above about how you raised them just may not apply to daughters Wink

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