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Reply to "Drinking on Official Visits"

Orlando ...

Your points are well taken, but if I may clarify a couple of things:

>>I mis-typed/mis-spoke when I used the term 'cultural difference' ... meant 'cultural influence'; I do not see how the statements Bee> used regarding tolerance and intolerance have anything to do with cultural influence ... personal experiences, perhaps. But I still think it is quite a leap to use the word 'intolerant' under these circumstances

>>My use of world in quotes has to do with being "in this world but not of this world"

>>Why do people with conservatie views regard themselves as swimming againt the tide? To answer this would really put us off topic and I suspect we would all probably prefer not to have another one of those threads ... as happened a couple of times pre-election last year ... that pitted some "friends" against "friends" etc. Please let it suffice for me to say, with all due respect to your life experiences and your opinions, that there really are times that I do feel like a "conservative rebel" ... after all, this is the Left Coast out here, even if I am living in one of the most conservative counties ... sometimes I have to drive out of the OC and face other realities
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom