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Reply to "Drinking on Official Visits"

by c-2709: if a college player .. has to have a drink during the season - (he) has a problem and needs help... his parents are the only ones who can provide that help. If he cleans up and proves he has changed then I will consider a second chance but until then I have 30 - 40 other players I am responsible for.
if you indeed feel you are "resposible" for managing the day to day off field behavior of 40 guys w/50%+ being over 21 ...
that's either admirable or crazy Confused

exactly when will you have time to teach, coach & play baseball?

re parents: I'm thinking not to many parents are involved in the day to day management of their adult children - - exception, Ray Romano Wink

are players also in jeopardy for violating fish & game laws?
or do you have an "A" list, like robbery, rape, and a 21 yr old having a beer at Pizza Hut?
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