You have your opinion-note, opinion, I have mine. I have not edited any of my posts and I think it's fairly clear where I stand. I MEAN what I posted and to make assumptions as you often do without any basis is kind of "silly"-the word you chose to edit TO from "ridiculous" in your previous post.
You and others feel coaches should not give college players rules and regulations, fine-I disagree. I've known and played for coaches(some with National Championships) and they ALL had rules concerning alcoholic consumption. The way that they meted out discipline
for the breaking of those rules varied-but it was certainly clear to the players what
the discipline would be.
To me it's rather naive on your part to believe that once a player leaves home he is "ready" to take on the world and needs no limits imposed on him by a college coach of all people-even though that coach may be "paying" for part of his education and has their
undivided attention for quite a bit of their total college time.
Hopefully, after 4 to 5 years of college life a young man will have matured to the point
that he no longer needs to have any limits imposed upon him and will be able to make intelligent choices, but to think an 18 year old should be able to handle being alone for the first time and not succumb to peer pressure is "silly". Most of the coaches that I know understand this and have rules in place. It may be different for Georgia Tech, good for them, but please don't ASSUME that's the case in all colleges-it isn't.
Good luck to you as well and it would be helpful if you would note when you go back and edit your posts.