Haven't been near a computer the last couple of days but just got caught up on the latest.
First let me say in previous posts that I was wrong in some of my information and owe Bee a very small apology for calling him an idiot because I did post where I was possibly being employed. Granted it was like two weeks (not sure of the time so if it's wrong I apologize) and in another forum. So I am glad Bee that you do happen to remember pretty much everything I post or have the time to research everything said in here.
TPM - I can appreciate your opposition on my stance and I will let you know (and Moc1) that when/if I am in a position to run my own program I will check with other coaches to see what they do for this stuff. You have got me to be more open minded.
Moc1 I know you weren't out to "rescue" me but I believe you did a great job of presenting some of my argument better than I did. I thought you did a very good job of bringing up how Bee changes everything to suit his argument. There were several things he tried to "quote" that I said that was completely off base. I am glad you were able to call him out on that. Prime example is when TPM said she objected to my stance on alcohol and tobacco. I NEVER mentioned tobacco in any shape form or fashion (unless I mentioned it in passing 5 years ago in the hitting forum when I might have said a dip can in your back pocket will help you get better balance - Bee I am sure you can help by remembering or looking that up) but he brought it up later and that is where you got that TPM.
Anyway - MOST of the posters here have only dealt with a small number of schools so the exposure to how other teams do things is very limited. It's one of those things that you are probably not going to convince one side to the other side's thinking. To each their own.