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Reply to "Ejected and Out?"

Originally posted by cball:
Batter hits ball to LF, he drops it and BR ends up at 2B. As he's dusting off and replacing his gloves to his pocket his livestrong bracelet falls from his pocket to the ground which he picks up. Blue sees the bracelet ejects him for jewlery infraction.

Is he also out? High school rules

Is he out?......NO, NEVER, and NOT BY ANY STRETCH of the jewelry rule....

Is he ejected....NO..

Here is the rule.
NFHS 3-3-1d

Players participating in the game may not wear jewelry...

Penalty: Team warning/ejection...

Having a bracelet in his pocket is not wearing it....many times I have told players to remove a bracelet and told them to put it in their pocket...

This Umpire is uninformed, under-educated in FED rules and seriously OOO.....

Sweatbands are not jewelry, however the rubber type livestrong bands are considered jewelry......

tell them to take it off....move on, play the game...
Last edited by piaa_ump