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Reply to "Elephant in the room"

@cabbagedad posted:

I work with many colleges, most of which have some hybrid model in mind.  Also, most plan on accommodating students who prefer the online option at this time.  I think this is an appropriate course of action based on the current set of circumstances.  However, I would somewhat question your statement that nobody is going to force you to send your kids to school.  Last week, Trump tweeted this and DeVos echoed this directive in a subsequent interview... sure sounds like some in  very high positions want to force you.. doesn't it sound like that to you?

"In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS. The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!"

I think what TerribleBP was stating that even where schools open, kids don't have to go.  They can be home schooled or at least in my state, there is an online public school that anybody can take at anytime.  Our district is doing every other day until we hit phase 3 to keep class sizes down, and think that is appropriate.  If a teacher or faculty member doesn't want to teach during the pandemic, they can find another job or if they are at risk, I believe the ADA allows them to get accommodations (or at least that is what my wife's teacher's legal expert says).  IMO, keeping schools shut down will further hurt the poorest among us, and I think some middle ground is needed. 
