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Reply to "Eric cressey article on pitcher overuse"

johnnysako posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:

I also have to wonder what it means to be a "multi-sport" athlete.  Does it require being on an official team?  Or is it enough that he plays 2 pick up football games a week with the neighborhood kids, plays hundreds of games of basketball in the driveway, and swims in the pool about 10+ hours a week?  When a coach says "Do you play other sports"...what is the qualifier for that?

I will venture to say a team organized sport but I dont agree with that. There is a lot of generalization that kids dont go out and play anymore but frankly I just dont see it, not around me anyway. Maybe it has to do with the area you live, i dont know. Seems when they say "multi-sport", it means the big 4, football, soccer, basketball and baseball. There is so much more to do to stay active and exercise different muscle groups then just those sports. Im not against multi-sport, son plays basketball as well but to think its  a "must" is bs. Does it help, probably, it sure doesnt hurt so If you like it, do it, if not then dont.

I don't think it is  necessarily about joining a team. But the off season can be used for doing other things, bowling, golf, swimming, hiking, just using different muscle groups. Multi sport would be more about a player dedicated to playing 2 sports in a team.  My son played basketball in a rec league and volleyball and soccer in middle school but that didnt mean he was a multi sport athlete who loves to compete.

When a coach asks if you play other sports,  regardless of whether its recreational or organized, it  opens a window for information about them. I dont think that coaches care which sport, but being involved shows a competitiveness the coach is looking for, thats why they like that.
