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Reply to "Ernie Banks Day"

Originally Posted by infielddad:
Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by infielddad:
Originally Posted by roothog66:

I would love that. Has there ever been a guy who seemed to love the game anywhere near as much as Mr. Cub? Ok, leaving Pete Rose out of it, has there ever been a likeable guy who seemed to love the game as much as Mr. Cub?

Tony Gwynn.

Good call except Gwynn's love for the game wasn't as tested as Banks's. 20+ years without ever sniffing the postseason must have been tough on someone like him.

I say this with all sincerity: Last February I was at the opening day game of SDSU.  Tony was there with his team at an away game and it was cool but not overly so.

He was dressed in a football type parka and appeared to have his entire jaw/head wrapped in some type of cloth bandage.  Coaching his team because he really loves baseball and SDSU and being open and friendly knowing he was close to death...pretty compelling to me. Our son was a coach on the other side and said Gwynn appeared to be quite uncomfortable but as nice as anyone could be.

I always had a lot of respect for Gwynn. There are those guys whose career end and they walk away. Then there are those guys who love the game so much they couldn't pull themselves away from it if they wanted to.
