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Reply to "Ethics of College Coaches being paid by bat companies"

Originally Posted by rynoattack:
Originally Posted by Doughnutman:

I believe they will switch to wood and wood composites. the only thing holding it back is bat companies and the coaches/programs that profit. Baum bats last for years.


How long do you think it will take for the lawsuits to start rolling in from use of the new balls? I think it will take 3 pitchers to get hurt. At any level. I applaud the leagues that have already changed. They will all change once it happens. Financial penalties will change the market just like the threat of it changed the BESR market. If the coaches cared they would vote to change now. Instead it will take injured players to make a difference just like it did with BESR.


A complete lack of ethics.


What part about the exit velocity staying the same, do you not understand??  You should do your research before you start spouting off false conspiracy theories, accusations of unethical behavior, etc.  You sound like a person who has serious issues...

Don't confuse someon'es passion for a subject for a defective mental state.  You should apologize. 
