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Reply to "Ever been on the recieving end ?"

Originally posted by INLIMBO:
I'm struggling with that choice right now. My son was cut unjustly and even the HEAD COACH of the team he was cut from has told me he is certainly good enough if not better than most to play anywhere else. Basically just not at the school we have been dedicated to and the school system we have been in since kindergarden. I haven't been able to deceide what to do because I feel you shouldn't transfer just for athletics and that it is a cop out plus I want my son to graduate with all his friends he's had since he wa s5 years old, but what do you do when you know your son could have a future at least as far as college but he is being denied that for reasons not pertaining to athlectic ability or character but due to the long reaching arms of someone else who weilds a lot of influence? Assume what I say is the 100% truth (becasue it is but I know you must doubt it) and tell me, what would you do?

I'll bite.

Get over it and stop the hand wringing...Been there done that.

Trust me, not making the team could be a good on several fronts. Your sons not being denied the opportunity to play at the next level by not playing in HS. Use the next 6-9 months and prepare for the summer and fall showcases. If he's as good as you say he is he'll play at the next level.

Last year a kid(a junior)was cut from the team, to the surprise of almost everybody. He went to work and signed an NLI in Nov. Currently our team is looking to fill the spot, this kid will be playing at a HS that he transfered to this year and the college he commited to for 2011.

The HS baseball experience at his current school is OVER. To allow this to derail future opportunities or to keep rehashing "WHY" would be the real travesty.
Last edited by dswann