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Ever wish you could rewind?

Was just thinking recently about how much I'm going to miss the experience I had last summer with our 04 son. We were close to half way through the HS season and finishing up the plans for the summer. I was beginning to be a nervous wreck. Where would this all lead? Was he really good enough? What lies ahead? So much uncertainty. I even remember thinking if I could just fast-forward to November, see what was ulitmately going to happen on the college thing, and then go back and maybe relax and enjoy it all.

I did enjoy it all, very much so. We met a lot of great people whom I'll never forget. But somehow I think I missed the chance to relax and really enjoy it as much as I could have. Too much time worrying about "what if's?" that never happened.

05's and parents out there. This summer is going to be so much fun for you, no matter how it turns out. RELAX!! Enjoy it if you can. Try to realize that your son is going to be leaving home soon and these are memories you will never forget. Give him a hug as often as you can. He's doing a hard job - performing in front of many judges, over and over. Could you do it yourself? At 16/17? Pick him up when he's down, celebrate with him when things go well. But more than anything else - ENJOY your son on a memorable journey!
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