I understand your frustration,I really do.
The schools have extremely strict guidelines when it comes to giving out financial aid.You have the government aid which you arent going to get unless you are below povery level.The Cal Grant if you are in California has pretty low income amt as well.
Most private schools have institutional aid that they have for students that may not qualify for govenment money but are still in a very low income status.They have to account for every penny they give out especially to athletes.NCAA isnt going to allow schools to hand out money to athletes without them meeting the needs.
The paper work involved for institutional money is invasive to say the least.You will hand in everything.Savings, bank account numbers,at least past two years taxes,letters explaining why your in such a hardship with every detail possible.Very time consuming, and then it all goes in front of a committe to see if it meets the guidelines to qualify for institutional money.
You can appeal all you want,but if you have money saved for your childs school,you are going to be using it for his school.Maybe doesnt seem fair that only the very needy qualify,but that is the way it is.
I can say if you can proove a need they will help you.
Ivies and Stanford base it on your income now I beleive.