quote:They should not be involved with any other team during the hs season.
I respect your opinion. Of course I disagree. If school ball is the PRIORITY and the kid is not being over worked or taking anything away from the School team what is the harm? The truth is that with the financial situations many school districts find themselves in, most of the JV coaches if not all will be volunteers and may or may not have much coaching experience at all.
Not to mention the fact that these kids won't be getting almost any one on one instruction, UNLESS they get it from outside the school team. Remember we are talking JV level.
quote:The hs coaches make the decisions on where kids play and what their roles will be. After the hs season ends then they can choose what they want to do. The parents and travel coaches need to step back and let the kids move on.
I totally agree the coaches make the decisions on the players' positions and roles. I don't quite know where I posted that I didn't think that.
Sadly I'm slowly seeing many HS programs run into the ground...whether from lack of funding, booster involvement (more funding) and school districts being divided up seemingly by School Boards playing pin the tail on the donkey.
My son is lucky...he's slated to go to another local HS where the program has been getting stronger and stronger. I hope the trend continues (my worries reside with the school board) and I hope he continues to have the desire and work ethic to WANT to play at the next level...