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First offer tonight!

Hi Everyone

My 2020  L/1B received his first offer tonight from a mid Atlantic D1 team after hitting his 3rd tater in 4 HS games. 60% athletic with academic to come (he's a 3.6-3.7 student). Its a top 3 school on his list and they've been speaking with him since freshman year, saw him play this past fall in FL. He's having a followup call tomorrow to understand academic picture but from the visit its another 10-20%.

This is all happening a lot faster than I thought so hoping to get some advice on how to proceed. We're from New England and he's had 5 unofficial visits to various NEC, AE, CAA and MAAC teams, and had calls with 5-6 others.  Most have said he'd be signed before the start of his Jr year so we weren't really expecting anything this soon, kinda figured after the summer after more teams could see him play the travel PG circuit.

My gut tells me this is as good as it gets - a great winning D1 program with long term coach, top school on his list (top 80 academic nationally), opportunity to start as a freshman and 60% athletic....but I just don't have experience with this stuff to know, accept hearing that "you shouldn't jump at the first offer".

Should I be talking to the coach, should he let the other programs know he has an offer and the specifics, is 60% within the norm or is higher available, how long to offers stay open, can he negotiate academic support etc...

Only bummer is its 8 hours by car away...I just love to watch him play.

Thank you for all the advice over the years. This sh!ts getting real!









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