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Reply to "First offer tonight!"

floridaguy posted:

The term salesman may or may not be derogatory. It depends on your point of view and the role you have in the transaction. To an AD a coach/salesman is exactly what he wants for example. To the player you need to realize what they he salesman's goals are as it pertains to you 

I don’t think you understand what a profession salesman’s goals are. They are for both sides to win. You’re confusing some people who are unprofessional  sales people with professional sales people. When sales people misrepresent the situation they are unprofessional. 

People who sell like used car dealers are a small minority. But they create an impression sales people are sleazy. It makes people run from the word. Even when i was a VP of Sales and Marketing when i asked what i did i responded i was in sales. I wasn't going to run from the word. I considered myself a professional who could help.  If you operate in good faith there’s nothing to run from. 

The same works in recruiting. Over time you will hear which coaches are honest and which ones aren’t. Like any area of sales the coach who misleads prospects ultimately has trouble recruiting and loses his job because he’s losing. 

Conversely bubble prospects will take risks and hear what they want to hear from a coach and tune out the red flags. When the situation goes south the kid and his parents blame the coach when they should be looking in the mirror.
