I wouldn't be surprised if Gary didn't ask to stay in. He seemed as strong at the end (velocity) as he did when he started, except for the last batter or two. I know the coach took full responsibility for not making the change sooner (wow,,,,,,now that is impressive)....
That particular closer is a Junior first year Varsity player who was out all last year with an injury. He was very effective in the Allen game and I just think that he didn't have it for that particular situation. The FM bats took advantage of the change. Usually the change in tempo from Poynter to him works, but the Marcus/FM game is never like "any other game" and that goes for every sport.....
Were you at the game? It was the largest crowd I have ever seen at our field. It is nice to have some good baseball out in the West now with Marcus, Lewisville and FM competing so well.
You are right the program has a lot of energy now and it is building each day. With success the players are getting stronger, more polished and hungry for more.........the coach has helped bring this all together.......
Hope your son had another great game and that his season continues to be successful.