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Forearm pain at ball release?

8.5 weeks ago during pre-game bullpen Son felt a tug/pull/pain on the inside part of the elbow in the area approx. 1" on the forearm from the medial epicondyle. 4 pitches into game signals to dugout. Can't go any further.

Said he did not feel or hear a pop.

Does not remember a single throw that felt off. Actually said he felt great during warm ups and going into bullpen.

The next day he was somewhat sore generally around elbow area and into bicep/forearm for a day. Could not achieve full arm extension. But no obvious swelling or bruising.

We thought he strained something and decide to rest it a bit.

During past 8 weeks has had full range of motion and has been able to gym workouts without any discomfort on any exercise.

He can play light catch at 40ish%. He can throw a football. No issues...

However, when he tries to put anything into a throw he feels same pain/tugging sensation but "only" during the ball release, wrist flexion/pronation portion of the throwing phase.

No feeling/pain at all during layback/external rotation/high cock/acceleration part of throwing phase.

Though let's give it a couple more weeks and rest arm. Tried throwing again. Had same feeling during any throws with intent..

Decided to go to Ortho. Xrays normal. No laxity in the elbow joint.

Earliest MRI is 3 weeks.

Any thoughts/experience/opinions appreciated?

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