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Future Career Choices

I am a High School student, freshman to be exact, and of course once you hit High School you have all the teachers, counselors, etc. asking you about your future, what do you want to do when you graduate high school? Do you want to go to college? What career would you like to follow? My team for quite sometime was to go to college play baseball on a full-ride and then graduate with either a business or nursing degree to become a Drug Rep(Pharmacial Rep). Of course a kid can dream right?Lately rumors have been going around that by the time I graduate from college with a degree to follow this career, they will be at an all-time low. Now this was when gas prices were out of the roof, but with more technology advances and the constant rising and falling gas prices(you have to admit they aren't going to stay low forever) that this career isn't the most secure.

For some reason, today of all days, I started searching other job choices. One that interested me the most was involving the sport I love, baseball and for some weird reason recruiting interested me greatly at the college and pro level. Scouting/recruiting has been on my mind all day. I know I am young and should worry about getting good grades so I can get in college in the first place but I have good grades A-B, straight A's last report card and all A's on exams, and I like this idea.

I am looking for some opinions about this idea I have. Anyone have experience? Anyone have there mind on the same thing? I know this is a decision I have to make but I would love some opinions too!

Thanks, Sawyer
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