Lebanon ... I agree your thoughts are very articulate. It's too soon in high school to think about career choices. Some kids know. Most don't. My daughter wanted to be a teacher from the time she lined up her stuffed animals and her five years younger brother in class in her room. Now she's a junior in college majoring in forensic science and already took her LSAT's for law school.
Take all the AP and high honors classes you can handle. Get great grades. It will put you in good position to have several college options.
My son is a high school soph. He thinks he wants to attend a School of Management or major in economics if the college doesn't have an SOM. But who knows!
As for baseball scouts, the pay is poor and the travel high (by car). An alternative may be majoring in sports management. But just like with the players, there's a finite number of openings. Just like the players you would start in the middle of nowhere in the low minors.