You have been given good advice above.
Hopefully you will go to college, and if so, try to explore classes in several different majors. Although I am now very old,

as a Science major in college I remember discovering how exciting it was to discuss philosophy and great literature with other "smart" young adults. (I still earned my degree in science, but have worked in several different interesting careers.) My oldest son (22 yrs old) majored in Communication but loved philosophy in college also, and now works in a career he enjoys that is not directly related to his degree. From your writing here, I could certainly see you in a Communication program! And my youngest son (20 yrs old) started college as a Classical Guitar major, is now an English major (Creative Writing), and will probably get a job some day doing something else!
Great idea that you are contacting PGStaff with your questions about baseball careers. Also consider asking other adults about their careers, what they really do and what they like and dislike about their jobs.
Best wishes to you!