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Reply to "Getting good GPA bull at DIV I"

Yes, it is possible to graduate with that low a GPA, provided his is a state where state tests determine passage of a course. My kid actually got a D in a course (American history) where he passed the state exam with honors. I'll not bore you with the story, but it can happen.

My son's Clearinghouse GPA was actually almost four-tenths higher than his "official" GPA, and neither was very good. A 2.0 Clearinghouse GPA means you have to have a 1010 on the SAT. Does it happen often that a low GPA can still make that score? No, but it does happen.

That son right now is a junior in college. His overall GPA for four semesters is like 2.8, and his semester will be about that.

So yes, push your kids to get the best grades they can. But know that a 90-plus fastball and a 6-5, 250 player that can run 4.5 has options others don't have, sometimes the same options as has the high honor student.

And there's nothing wrong with that.
Last edited by OldVaman