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Reply to "Getting good GPA bull at DIV I"

Pioneer Dad - My reference to JUCO (which is what my own son is a freshman at) is that they can simply offer more assistance for the player who hasn't been a strong student - whether that be by choice, disability, etc. They have smaller classes and typically are more oriented towards helping a player succeed in the classroom. My son's JUCO has mandatory study tables four nights/week! I think it's a wonderful transition for many students - not knocking them at all. There are also many excellent students at JUCO (that is a big misconception that all the students are challenged academically) - players that aren't sure of what school they want to attend, players looking for more financial support than NCAA, players looking to be drafted before three years are up. It is not a route for a kid who just can't perform in the classroom or has no desire to be successful in that area. They'll struggle there as well.