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Reply to "Getting good GPA bull at DIV I"

The NCAA,Clearing House and the schools set standards for a reason. The rules are there to ensure that a student has a reasonable chance to graduate. The standards are relatively low. To these people the academics are the most important goal of a student not the sport.
I have a problem with a student who does poorly at school up to his serior year in HS if it is not due to a dissability. He did not find out yesterday that he needed good grades. Why should he be allowed to get into a school if he made no effort during HS. Where were his parents?
This student has other avenues that may be a better fit and allow him to show he can do better. He created the situation and has to fix it.
The NCAA has had a long history of trying to clean up the over zealous coaches and cheating that used to go on. What is wrong with having to achieve a goal which requires good grades and athletic skills. I know lots of great ball players who know they are not NCAA players and who don't like academics. One wants to be a carpenter. He is attending a JUCO and loves it.