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Reply to "Getting good GPA bull at DIV I"


Very interesting concept.

This kid "just plain doesn't have it upstairs".

He obviously has just enough going for him upstairs to realize he can use the baseball talent he was given to help him get the college degree.

How in the world can that send the wrong message to your kid?

Life is all about using whatever skills you are given - whether those skills are logic skills, writing skills, athletic skills, musical skills, or simply the ability to make folks feel good about themselves.

Fair ?

Don't you think this kid would much prefer to "have it upstairs" along with his baseball talent? After all, your son has both. Why shouldn't he have both.

What lesson should this teach your son?

Perhaps to respect folks who learn to get ahead in life by using what they do have instead of moaning about what they don't have.

And p.s. there is nothing wrong with waiting tables. Respect does not come from your job title.