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Reply to "Getting good GPA bull at DIV I"

It isn't fair that the uneducated gigolo who lives next door to me makes five times the money I make, and has many more intimate encounters than I have!!!!

C'mon.....we all have our own theories and definitions of concepts. Our own definitions may not be universal.

When my kids were very young, at the age when many kids use the phrase, "That's not fair", I nipped that in the bud by telling my kids that everything is fair, that everybody has the ability to make something of themselves and their circumstances. I haven't heard them use that phrase in over a decade.

I realize this isn't what the topic is about, but it is related to what many are writing.

Our kids can take whatever message they want from the situation involved in this thread. Everybody CHOOSES to take whatever message they want based on how they choose to perceive the situation.

Our country is based on accepting diversity, but often some of our most intelligent people have difficulty accepting opinions and actions that are contrary to what they think is right.

All situations are not clear cut. Every person is in a unique position to perceive reality in his/her own way.

We can choose to whine and complain about the messages that we 'think' somebody's actions are sending, or we can choose to be responsible for our own successes and shortcomings. Either choice we make, somebody else's actions are not in our control.

We all choose something. We can control what we think, which in turn controls our emotions, and our emotions can, either fortunately or unfortunately, influence our actions and words.