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Reply to "Getting Jammed"

GOOD LUCK on getting The Dog to go in depth on anything besides what is actually printed in his book, or is spoken on his "guys" DVD....

he and another on here used to just blurt out negative comments at everyone, but never explained anything... I offered my phone number to him to discuss the difference in our philosophies - to see if it was same thing just said in different way - never heard my phone ring...

to me, it is teaching what you see at the Major League level... and getting players to do it. I'm not sure who The Dog work with or for, but I guess if he is getting his players to succeed, that is the main key - reaching overall future potential...

his buddy used to tell me that it is about scapular rotation, not shoulder rotation - i didn't have the heart to expalin to him anatomically they are the same thing.. that's why it is referred to as the "shoulder blade."

also his partner-in-crime explained to me their theory was getting started with the pelvis - not using legs at all except for foundation to rotate on.. so I emailed his partner all of the major muscles that "act" on the pelivis - oddly enough they all connect at one end on pelvis and the other end at the knee - now correct me if I am wrong, but don't we refer to that region as the leg? yet the leg is just there for foundation?

He and his buddy told me my theories are completely incorrect... though I have worked with well over 300 players that were either soph, juniors, or seniors and all -that's 100%- have gone to college on scholarship. I have had 13 players drafted in the last two years, one in the 1st round, two in the second round... I have clients that i have worked with since their early high school days - 14 currently in the minors, and three on major league rosters.. i have 54 former clients currently playing in college right now...

The bottom line is get the players to reach their overall potential. Three key parts of hitting; learn how to properly use lower body to support upper body in the swing, properly teach how to keep hands "inside" the path of baseball, and to properly teach how to make the plane of your swing match the path the ball is taking to homeplate for longest amount of time (or greatest distance).

One thing you learn on here is that some people just put others down just to do so and act like God almighty on here... others use this as a forum to learn/teach other who want to question/learn.