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Reply to "Good reason for ejection?"

to piaa_ump, we are playing in a highschool summer travel league. But what i want to know is that i guess i cant suppourt my coach, i didnt even want to get ejected and didnt want the umpire to hear me. The question my coach asked the umpire is unknown to me because i was out standing at short and they were talking near home plate talking in a low voice. and to LonBlue67 i dont care what you have to say i didnt ask for negative opinions, i didnt want to get tossed, and how is it a personal remark? I made no notion and said nothing to or about the ump. Getting tossed from this game put me near being cut from my hs team next year until our coach realized how idiotic the situation was so tell me, WHY would i want to get ejected??

and were not bad were 11-1.