I wanted to write a little review about the Goodwill Series in Australia since I didn't find a lot of reviews from kids who actually went (would've helped with the decision making process). My son just came back from the Goodwill Series in Australia yesterday and had a great time. I wanted to let you all know from his experience that if your son ever gets the chance to go to this, do it. Find a way. He had a wonderful time and the coaches were fantastic, as well as the other players and host families. It was a trip of a lifetime for him (and yes, I'm a little jealous). I wanted to let you all know this because when researching whether to go or not, I couldn't find a lot of info from people as to what type of experience this would be. Now that he's back, I know how great it was. Again, if you get the chance, do it. Thanks Bob for the great opportunity, he really enjoyed it.
I was looking into this last year but couldn't afford it at that time. It sounded great and I am glad to read a post from someone whose son attended.
Is there much opportunities to be seen by other colleges or is this more of experiencing another culture and competition?