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Reply to "Harvard Play To Win Camp"

Back in Chicago today. In Game II Jason played 1st base and in Game III he was the starting pitcher. Between games II and III a former Harvard baseball player who is now a local area high school baseball coach gave us a tour of campus. As a high school baseball coach he was someone who the boys could relate to. We walked from the baseball fields to Harvard Square and into Harvard Yard. He told us that he played for Coach Walsh in 1999 and showed us the dorms that he lived in as a student. 98% of the students at Harvard live in the dorms all four years.

In Game III - he pitched one inning and it was 1-2-3 again.

6-3 out
Single - runner was thrown out by the catcher on a steal attempt.

Coaches told him he pitched well and he received an invite to make an official visit to a Divison I school on the East Coast. Jason's goal is to play Divison I baseball. Several coaches told him that he pitched well and that his fastball was at 85 mph. Next near term goal is to increase velocity to 87-88 mph range.

Once again the athletic area was packed with LaCrosse fans. Also there were many skill camps underway which were draws for the LaCrosse playing kids. As far as my reporting on players who were there I do not feel that is my place.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom