As apparently most so far agree ... hazing is illegal and not appropriate in any venue.
However, what you describe ... carrying bat bags and raking the field ... doesn't seem to be a form of hazing. At our son's school, the TRUE freshmen players have responsibilities that "differ" from the other players. They carry the TEAM bags (not individual player bags), straighten up the locker room, etc. And everybody is responsible for some field maintenance ... my son, for instance, has the job of standing at the edge of the mound and watching to ensure that the raking and watering and pounding are done in accordance with the coaches' expectations. And of course, this task is most appropriately done with his hands in his pockets (jacket pockets or back pockets on pants ... makes no difference).
There is also a "kangaroo court" of sorts ($$ goes to team party at end of season) where players are "fined" for doing some of the dumber things (like allowing their girlfriend to leave the outgoing message on their voice mail, letting a ball get away from the bullpen during a game). Seems the freshmen contribute most to this party fund, but "kangaroo court" is held for ALL players at all levels. And they have a blast deciding who to fine and what actions to fine.

Go Highlanders ! ! ! !