For a $2,000 stipend yew you get the opportunity to:
Feb: Start of the HS season practice 2 till dark 6 days per week. During Easter "vacation" you either practice or are away with the team at a tournament.
You get to tell 10-25 kids and parents that their son just played his last baseball game. (HS at least)
Season starts and you are either practicing or away at games and don’t get home until 8PM.. When not doing this you are reviewing film, stats, juggling line-ups. Oh yeah forgot about daily discussions with your Frosh/J.V. Coaches in the evenings.
Season ends and you are organizing summer teams. All summer you get to manage your summer teams.
Oh.....I forget that the HS maintenance staff has no clue about how to maintain a baseball field(s) So you get the additional task of making sure that the field is properly cared for. That’s right YOU become the head greenskeeper of 2 baseball fields.
You actually get two weeks away between summer ball and HS start again in August WOO HOO....
HS starts in Aug/Sept - up at 5:30AM for strength and conditioning work outs before school. More work outs after school. Organizing fall ball teams.
Nov-Dec work on winter workouts or winterball schedules/leagues. Recruiting athletes making sure baseball is a priority.
Oh I forgot what about your Real Job....
Oh and you get to hear what a slug you are from all the parents.
Sign me up.....