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Reply to "Head Coach Doesnt Know Anything"

Originally posted by TRhit:

What is your point?

pic·to·ri·al·ize /pɪkˈtɔriəˌlaɪz, -ˈtoʊr-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pik-tawr-ee-uh-lahyz, -tohr-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -ized, -iz·ing. to make pictorial; illustrate or represent with or as if with pictures.

Also, especially British, pic·to·ri·al·ise.


[Origin: 1865–70; pictorial + -ize]

—Related forms
pic·to·ri·al·i·za·tion, noun

Bee got it head on.

The coach is most likely trying to help out some kids, so if you know SOOOO much about baseball help him out, don't post a question that has no answer a message board.