Since this thread has already been hijacked by the "you don't know nothing and every high school coach in the country knows more than you because they do and that is that and you are stupid even if you are in the MLB Hall of Fame you are a baseball stupid parent because you dare to question the competence of any High School Coach" crowd I have a simple question for discussion for the sane who wish to respond.
How are high school coaches selected in your state and are there any minimum competence or other requrements?
I will start with West Virginia. High School coaches are selected by the County superintendent who is usually, unless there is some point of controversy, rubber stamping the suggestion of the High School's Athletic Director. But there are some restrictions involved. First, any employee of the school system has priority over any person employed outside of the school system REGARDLESS OF TRAINING, BACKGROUND, OR ANYTHING ELSE. So anytime any parent/teacher wants to coach, they can boot out even the most long tenured coach who is not an employee of the school system (the only exception I know of being for registered *** offenders). That is it. They never had to play baseball, study baseball or "done their homework before taking the job". And I have seen it abused so many times by a parent/teacher it makes me sick. But West Virginia must be in the dark ages, right? I am certain you folks from other states can point out to me how the system of selection in your state is far superior, always fair and inevitably ends up with the most qualified person for the job, right?