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Reply to "Head Coach Doesnt Know Anything"

It sounds as though you are in a sticky situation and one that I have fortunately never had to deal with. I would simply ask you to think about what your goals are. Are you wanting to run the baseball program or are you O.K. with being the assistant but are concerned? If you want to assist, then do just that, you will be a great asset to the program and the H.C. may have strong organizational and fundraising skills that can greatly improve the program. The key to any successful program is placing coaches in areas of strength and using those. Maybe this coach is great at setting things up and directing and letting his assistants do the day to day operations. While not ideal, this can work. If your goal is to run the program because you fear it is in jeopardy, make every effort to coach your butt off and see things improve, it will be noticed. If the coach is struggling, he will know it and will ask out or for help. Then you discuss your role with him and the A.D. You two may want to switch roles and it may be mutual. I simply try to follow one as hard as I can and help as many people as possible while supporting my head coach all the way. If you do that, things usually take care of themselves. As I said, though, I am lucky I have never had to deal with this issue.