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Reply to "Head Coach Doesnt Know Anything"


Nice thread.

Gave me good insight as to what the community thinks.

I am one of those coaches everyone is so fond of. I didn't play in High School. I got the job because I taught in the building. The local Little League Allstar parents aren't happy that I am the Head Coach.

This will be my second year at the "helm". I have good assistants and I learn every day. I'm not afraid to ask for help, nor am I afraid to admit that I don't know it all. I study, I learn, and then I coach.

I took the job because I care and I want to make a difference in these boy's lives. It is all about them.

As I look back on some things, the assistant job was so much easier. As an assistant, you can coach, work more on an individual basis, and really take care of the kids. Be happy that you have a figure head to take the heat from parents, school officials, and do all the fundraising, media, scheduling, promoting, organizing, maintenance, ordering or equipment and uniforms, fending off parents, and dealing with umpires who know less than you do and argue about the rule even when you show it to them.