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Reply to "Headfirst Jupiter OR Academic East vs West Top 96"


As a 2017, a few things to consider. Definitely which camp has more schools that you feel has "mutual" interest--son and school. Tough to measure, at this point I would see which e-mails are more "personalized", than generic. If your son has contacted schools (phone), which have been receptive? I would probably go where more of his top 5 are at this stage. We had similar decisions on these two camps (Top96 and HF), but didn't have the distance difference that you have.


I have found the Top96 camps run really well and on schedule. Found coaches pretty approachable. 2015 went to summer HF  as a rising junior and was overwhelming (LOTS of campers). He was on some schools "lists", but it was early in the game. Still, if you are in contact with a number of schools at HF, it may be worthwhile. I wouldn't worry about flight, as long as he isn't running to the camp from the airport. If son is still w-i-d-e-n-i-n-g his "net" I would probably do HF, provided numerous contacts are made. Consider the $1000 (HF) and $600 (Top96) cost too. Lastly, Middle Infielders are on a waitlist at HF Jupiter. As for Top96..still a 10% discount through 10/15.


As Fenway noted and you know these are the high academic schools. Not a bad idea to have G.P.A., test scores and/or a transcript handy. Good luck!
