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Reply to "Helicopter Parents - from a college dean"

Just BB you are right it did rub me the wrong way.  And I probably showed my you know what a little too much.  But that is how I feel.  It is a gigantic red button pushed when I hear people saying (like she did) that its wrong, inadvisable or whatever term you want to use for us to worry about what school our kids go to.  And let them find their own way in life.  If you are born into wealth and knowledge you can find your own way.  When you re born into struggles that is what you know.  You need somebody to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.  I put myself behind the 8 ball.  My fault not my parents.  But I wish the value of money was promoted in my house as much as the value of religion and being a good person.  When I finally came out of the ether and changed my direction it was too late.  Took the LSAT, scored very high got accepted to law school only to realize I couldn't swing it financially as I already had my first child (who is now on a full ride academic - we are winning 1-0 so far and we are in the early innings!).  My parents laid the groundwork by working so hard to send us all through catholic schools in spite of the fact it left them broke week after week.  But I saw the other side there.  Didn't catch on quickly enough but saw it.  My kids may or may not drink but I will lead them to water.  Encourage them to hang with the rich and popular and make connections that will serve them well later in life.  Then hopefully someday their children - my grandchildren - will be born with that silver spoon in their mouths.  But when WE as a family have climbed that mountain hopefully they will lend a hand and pull others up with them, not tell them how stressful the climb is and they should just stay down where it is comfortable.  "You don't want my money and all the headaches it brings, just stay where you are"  What does all this have to do with baseball?  No different in athletics.  It is a big red button for me when the parents (who probably mean no harm) of college players talk about how hard it is to get there and we parents of young ones are dreaming.  I teach my kids and the kids i coach to never let anyone tell you what you can or can't do.  And if we fail in the long run we will know we fought the fight as hard as we could.  Yes WE, cause it takes a team effort to elevate sometimes.  Yes just BB a bit of a sensitive subject for me.  But everything you need to know in life can be learned from the godfather "I lived my life, and I don't apologize, to take care of my family"  If its good enough for Vito Corleone then its good enough for me!