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Help a guidance counselor-recruiting and advice

I'm in the middle of attempting to create a comprehensive resource/packet/PDF for our school aimed at recruiting and advice for college-bound athletes.  I'm including all the major requirements/rules and guidelines/timelines outlined for NCAA divisions (all of them and NAIA).  The goal is to have this available on our counseling website so that students and parents can access it whenever, and hopefully, learn something...or at least make sure they are on the right track.


I'm also trying to gain as much information for our own counseling department so that we as counselors are up to date with the trends and adhere to the current and future needs of students.


With the abundance of knowledge on this board, I'm opening this up for any advice you may have for me.


If any of you have had experience in dealing with HS guidance counselors-what were some of the things you wish you had known, or things you were grateful for?


Could be anything-from dealing with transcripts, communication, college admissions process, resume help, letters of recommendation, etc


Any help is appreciated!

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