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Reply to "Help a parent with the hype...."

If you see a young kid performing well, his dad is 6'2", his mother is 5'9" and the dad or both parents were athletes at least to the high school level, chances are the kid is going to become a decent athlete.

When a team can cherry pick rather than accept what's in a geographical zone they're more likely to develop future players. It's when you take a typical group of kids you can't tell who will be a future athlete and who won't.

There was a kid in our LL district who became legendary. The kid threw 75mph. He hit the rooftops with his homers. When I finally saw him play (yes I was checking him out for our travel team), while what he could do in LL was very impressive I didn't see a future for him. The kid was 5'9", 170. He was already bigger than his dad. His mother was very petite. His fastball was down main street. His homers were all stiff armed, muscle shots to the opposite field.

The kid was 5'9" 180 last year in 8th grade. He wasn't throwing any harder than when he was twelve. I heard in Junior Legion and CYO he was getting ripped. The funny thing is when I talked to the dad regarding the possibility of his son playing 13U travel, he wanted to know what scouts would be at the tournaments.
Last edited by RJM