If you truely have a desire to get back into baseball, Go for it.
Go back to the Coach that showed interest in you, and tell him your desire to give baseball another try.
I'm sure that he will steer you in the right direction.
Find one of his Catchers and start throwing.
Take it easy at first not to overthrow. Longtoss, longtoss, longtoss. That will help build up your arm strength.
before you know it your arm will be in great shape.
Have you thought about Junior College, are NAIA.
JUCO is a great place for a Pitcher to Hone his skills.
If your in Baseball shape by next Fall, they usaully have open tryouts for the baseball team that goes on for a couple of weeks in the fall. You would have to be enrolled their, but your already going to school. Find a Juco Program that could use an arm and go for it.
As far as Confidence, Your older now. Able to handle the pressure. Your the one with the Ball, not the Batter.
Who cares if he gets a hit, your defense has your back.
The Coaches / Recruiters are looking at how (You) handle that pressure. Show No Emotion, Cover your Positions. IE 1st Base-
Behind home, Backing up third all the little things that will make you stand out. And you won't have time to get Nervous!
Good Luck to you, and keep the fire burning. The EH