I'd like to take credit for my idea presented above but I didn't make it up on my own. I drew inspiration from the article in link above on a Notre Dame ball player who talks about the same situation as he grew up and what role his dad played in his motivation.
Read the above linked article. It says it all. When presented with the choice of your job being sports or your job being mowing lawns or doing construction, really.....what choice would you make? Mind you, it can still be fun (baseball, hoops, whatever) but sounds like a great opportunity to instill work ethic, reality, earning a buck. I did offer to somehow pay my son for "his work." It didn't feel right to me, NOR TO HIM he said, so we didn't go that route. His "pay" was weekends off (although he often "worked" on his own then....OVERTIME???) although obviosly he'd have games, travel,etc. so there really wasn't a lot of offtime.
Get together with him and brainstorm "acceptable work activities." What qualifies for work? Again, T-work, free throws in driveway, running, footwork, READING (Sports Illustrated, ESPN qualified, books on baseball) During hot weather watching "sports related TV shows, replays of games, all qualifies as "work."