So here's to you HSbasbalfan for starting this off, I've attempted to list them all but I may have missed some.
I've listed most as 'guy's' but thats just in keeping with the theme, no doubt most of these could be gals too!
Get a huge lead off
College Baseball Parent Internet Guy
Used to Be a Travel Baseball Coach
umpire critique guy
High School Baseball Watcher Guy
Weather Guy
Foulball Guy
Umpire QC Guy
Text Guy
Intensity Guy
Seeds Guy
Big Lense Camera guy
NO class guy
Big Mouth Mamma
I told You So guy
baaaaack guy
Positive Guy
Classy Guy
Lightning Watcher Guy
Chain Smoker guy
Face Paint guy
Score Board Monitor guy
Key Man
Dress Like One of the HS Girls Mama (ok,hopefully not a guy)
mrs button with a photograph of her son on it
played for the local coaching legend guy
Mechanical Flaw Fixer/Analyst guy
pitcher's dad guy
Movie Guy
Intensity guy
Injury Eval Guy
One upper guy
Hitter’s Dad Pitch Predictor guy
bullpen watcher guy
grumpy old guy
Inappropriate Cheering Guy
down the line guy
where are they now guy
Grounds Crew Guy
The Seeds Guy
Seed Coniseur Guy
coach his kid from the stands guy
it's OK - it's not your fault guy
Self-policed guy
Scorebook Lady
Stat lady
Cell phone mom
run for the home run ball MOM
thats OK johnny Moms
Mr Glory Days guy
Great Hit Guy
Good Eye, Way to Watch guy
It's Not Your Fault Mom
The cheerleader guy
The Older I get the Better I was guy
Pumped and Excited Frosh on Varsity Parent guy
Mr.Handicapper Guy
Dugout Visitor guy
video tape every single game in its entirety guy
Relief Pitcher Bullpen Warmup Watcher/Evaluator guy
Right/Don't You Think/Are you following me/Am I seeing this right Guy
Senior Backup Catcher's Dad Guy
News I picked up today from other teams in the league guy
radar gun messenger guy
scout locator/counter guy
flask smuggler guy
Back of the Bleachers Guy
Proud Dad guy
You Can Do It, Gal
Great Hit, Nice Pitch, Guy
I Keep my Own Book Guy
I have my OWN pitch Counter Guy
chatter guy
Concession Stand Boss Lady
weather man guy
physics expert guy
gatorade fetcher right now because water is just not good enough for my kid guy
Great Hit Guy
Signs guy
Mr Old Timer Guy
Mr Announcer Guy
Mr Special Effects/Sound Bites Guy
Fence Dweller Guy
Foul Ball Guy
Mr. Real Estate Guy
The Foul Ball Guy
The Rules Guy
The Electronic Communications Guy
The Strategy Guy
The Cliches Guy
Look Out Guy
Scout spotter guy
umpiring quality control guy
Disgruntled Parent guy
Connected Parent guy
Stats Guy
the Other Team guy
Coach Questioner guy
that's nearly 100.....
Who is the next Here's to you Mr. .... ***. ..... Guy?