As much as I hate to quote a New Yawk Yankee, Jeter said it best: "Write it down, I will make errors."
You will make mistakes, but...
Recipe to create a crystal ball:
(1)Take one young man, raised with solid values, healthy respect of his fellow man, and a good work ethic, with a passion for baseball.
(2) Mix in careful planning, add a dash of imagination, toss in as much objectivity as a parent can (we all have maybe a teaspoon full when watching our own sons), stir in lots of hard work, sunflower seeds under the seat and baseballs rolling around the trunk, smother the whole thing with lots of love, patience, and understanding, carry as gently as possible over the bumps in the road (and know they will be there, often unseen and unanticipated), and pray without ceasing.
Guaranteed to produce a successful result. Not necessarily D-1,2,3, Juco, or anything else, but guaranteed to allow you to look back and said "we did things right".