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Reply to "High Academic D3s"

Phanatic2008WS posted:
anotherparent posted:

Where does your son want to go?  Or more to the point, what's his second choice? Is he willing to lose that opportunity, for the chance of the first choice?

He should call the top-5 school and ask the coach point-blank how likely he thinks he is to get in on his own.  The coach surely has an idea based on his transcript/scores.  If he asks, tell that coach what schools have offered admissions support.

BTW, recent thread on Haverford:



Thanks. The issue is the other schools without support at the moment are perfect academic fits. The ones who have offered support are great LA schools but majors could be bit of a stretch. 

Agree on asking the coaches about chances on admission on own and go from there. 

Still a tough choice after working so hard!

thanks also for the thread on Haverford 
