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Reply to "High School Baseball"

ironhorse posted:

If 95% of amateur baseball calls pitches (meaning HS and college really), and 99% of amateur football calls plays (meaning HS and college really), are 95-99% of all coaches simply fueled by ego?

That's ignorant.

I guess you need to pick up the phone & call Billy Wagner & tell him he is ignorant. Surely your wisdom is superior to this guy who was the best. Further, comparing a Football QB & a Pitcher in terms of play calling vs pitch selection is like Apples & Oranges. Not even close to a similar dynamic. The Pitcher / Hitter dynamic is an individual battle. The critical components on the pitchers end of it are confidence, a feel for the particular pitch on a given day, all of his combined experience in reading a hitters reaction / swing & having a plan of attack.

Simply nodding your head to some coach who probably could not play a lick back in the day is not the way to grow as a player. You are displaying a clear lack of understanding & obviously have never been on the mound in any meaningful capacity.
