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Reply to "High School Baseball"

Overthehill posted:

I was a high school coach for 21 years.  We always called pitches from the bench.  1.  I didn't want to let a 16 year old kid have the extra pressure of making decisions that could win or lose games for his team.  2.  I played catcher at a D1 college and definitely thought that I had a better feel for hitters than high school catchers would.  3.  I agree with the positioning of infielders and outfielders from pitch to pitch that the catcher may not be aware of.  One coach was moving fielders and the other was sending in the pitch.  We always had a sign to allow the pitcher to throw his best pitch in certain situations.  He had the ability to shake the catcher until he got the pitch he had the most confidence in.  We also made our pitchers shake at different times just to keep hitters guessing.  I never got to call my own game until my senior year in college.  Most colleges are calling every pitch from the dugout.  

I want my kids to like the pressure, not worry about "extra pressure." What are you really protecting them from? Getting their feelings hurt? Welcome to pitching & life buddy. Now get another ball from the Umpire & keep challenging these guys.
