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Reply to "High School Baseball"

I also believe that if you are a good coach, you, your catcher, and your pitcher should be all on the same page.  We talked after innings about different pitches in different situations.  I felt like my pitchers were more at ease knowing that their coach was calling the same pitch that they had planned to throw.  Whenever there was a doubt in their mind, I helped with the decision.  I lived with pitchers for four years in college.  We had lots of discussions about pitching in high pressure situations.  They always agreed that they trusted my decisions.  Little things that the average person doesn't think about can come in to play.  Here are some examples, a hitter moving up and in to bunt, deep in the box, front of the box, on the plate, off the plate.  Hitters give lots of things away from at bat to at bat.  Even as much as what he says to himself under his breath between pitches.  You may laugh, but it's all true.  "Damn, why can't I hit that pitch anymore?'  Good chance he'll see that one again sometime in the at bat.  How about the catcher looking at base runners, do they pay attention to that in HS?  Probably not.  Watch runners on first the next few high school and even college games you are at.  They get the steal sign and a big majority will always take a peek at 2nd base to make sure it is still there.  Pitch out, fastball away, take advantage of what they give you.  Sorry so long. 
